Saturday, January 2, 2010

Ankeny/Baskett Slough 01/02/10

We took our first trip of the year to Ankeny NWR today, and after driving to all the normal hotspots it was apparent that a trip to Baskett slough NWR was in the cards for us as well.  The fields at Ankeny had several large flocks of Cacklers and Duskys. At Eagle marsh we found numerous Mallards, sparse numbers of Pintails, and a couple of Ruddy ducks.  Oh yes, we can't forget Nutria plenty of Nutria.

We were a bit disappointed at Ankeny, but were pleasantly surprised by the large number of birds (and large number of birders as well) at Baskett Slough!

There were plenty of Canada Geese, but nowhere near as many as we saw at Ankeny, what we did see was a huge number of Northern Pintails.  500 would be a conservative guess, I would be willing to bet it was more like 750 or even more.  Everyone I talked to was astounded at the large number of Pintails. 

One small island was absolutely covered with them.

 We also saw Mallards and even a few Northern Shovelers, but by far the day was all about the Pintails.

(my personal favorite duck) 
Our excitement for the day came when while watching some Tundra Swans from the upper observation area.

An adult Bald Eagle that had been eating and preening previously, took off for a hunt. while I was watching with some other birders, the Baldy flew around assessing the hunting grounds and snatched up a male Pintail!  The Eagle took it to the same area where it had been earlier, and landed with it's prize.  What a sight to see.  Nature and the circle of life.  It never fails to awe me when I watch God's creatures, seeing them do what they do to survive, whether it's Hummingbird at the feeder or an Eagle capturing another animal to eat.  It reminds me of just what is important in life, and what  is not.  A wonderful lady watching the Eagle near me said "That made my entire day", I could not agree more.  I will sleep with a happy heart tonight.

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